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At Star of the Sea, every child has the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, to learn how to sing, learn how to compose their own songs and appraise a wide variety of music genres including, Reggae, Baroque, Bhangra, Rock and many more. Children are encouraged and supported, to develop their love and understanding of music.Musical instruments, both tuned and untuned are part of our curriculum. Children learn to develop body percussion, play glockenspiels, recorders and ukulele. There is also the opportunity to play additional instruments through peripatetic teaching of flute, violin, keyboard, guitar and drums. There is also the chance to be part of a band!

In the links below, the diagram 'Music Learning Progress' depicts the depth of learning that occurs as the children move through the year groups. As they progress, the colour deepens and the learning widens.

All musical learning in this scheme is built around the Interrelated Dimensions of Music: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and notation. These dimensions are at the centre of all the learning.

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