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Our school uniform consists of:

  • Grey trousers or grey skirt

  • White shirt or blouse - Early Years pupils wear a white polo shirt

  • School tie (worn from year 1 to year 6 and can be purchased from the school office)

  • Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the school badge on

  • Brown or black shoes


  • Blue shorts

  • Blue jogging bottoms

  • White crew next T Shirt

  • Blue hoody with the school badge on - to be worn on PE days

Uniform Supplier:
Our uniform supplier is currently Emblematic Limited.
Supplies of all our uniform can be purchased directly from the shop or can be ordered online.  

Telephone: 0191 2701449
Full Address:  
Emblematic Limited, Unit 26, North Tyne Industrial Estate, Benton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 9SZ

Open Monday - Friday  10.00am - 5.00pm

Uniform Assistance:
‍The school supports vulnerable families in meeting the costs of uniforms. Parents can contact school via the school office or class teacher to enquire about assistance.

The school holds previously owned school uniforms in the school office for parents to access and uniform 'shares' are held during coffee mornings in school.  Parents are invited to donate their child’s uniform when they no longer need it to promote sustainability and consideration for the environment.

We positively encourage recycling uniform when we can.

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